Dynamic and powerful support for all conditions.

Clinics at: Little Green Refills, Abergavenny.
Hereford Centre for Natural Health, Belmont, Hereford.
Longtown, Herefordshire.
What is Shiatsu?
Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese healing art, dating back thousands of years to the beginning of Acupuncture.

Shiatsu uses touch and finger pressure to work on meridian lines or vital energy lines in the body. By drawing energy to places most in need and dispersing energy from where it is most congested, Shiatsu re-balances and brings health, vitality and stamina to the whole being on the physical, emotional and mental levels. An imbalance in a person’s vital energy may manifest itself as a back problem, a headache, and a mental depression or in many other ways.
Although Shiatsu is ideally a preventative form of healing, it is also excellent for working with all chronic and stress related conditions.
What is Healing-Shiatsu?
Healing-Shiatsu is non-invasive form of healing that supports and prepares the person in returning to and maintaining a state of full health and happiness.
My healing practice is inspired by stillness, loving kindness and present moment awareness. Along with gentle and supportive holding and touch I work with the positive intention of qualities within the meridians and the five elements to enable the client to be fully met. Blocks and restrictions, whether in the body or the mind, can then soften and open. Pains and discomfort lessen or disappear and attitudes can change.
The gentle and spacious quality of a Healing-Shiatsu session allows the client to experience a deep sense of peace, comfort and ease.
The client is empowered to little by little take full responsibility for their health and well-being. The client realises that they have the full power within themselves to realise their potential and to be well and happy.

What can a Client expect?
A session lasts an hour and is usually a very pleasant and nurturing experience. The client remains fully dressed and should wear loose fitting clothing to allow for movement.
After an initial talk I ask the client to lie on a comfortable mat, a Futon, on the floor. Allowance can be made for any physical restriction. A person can, for example, receive Healing-Shiatsu whilst sitting in a chair.
Generally I work on the whole body beginning with a Hara diagnosis and finishing with releasing tension in the neck.
After a session I can give suggestions to help the healing process and promote a sense of well-being.This could be a simple breathing or relaxation exercise, a stretch for a specific part of the body or to do an activity.
What have Clients said?
“To receive Healing-Shiatsu from Chris is a wonderful experience. I usually feel very well and relaxed for a long time afterwards”.
“Chris is very professional, yet he is compassionate, caring and gentle”.
“I have been coming to Chris for Healing-Shiatsu for many years. It has been an immense help and support in my life”.
“My condition has improved greatly and I put it down to Chris’ quality of being and his deep understanding of this extraordinary healing art”.
50% discount on first Session!
Are you unsure whether Shiatsu is right for you? Do you want to try a new way to find ease and wellbeing? I offer one session each week at a discount half price.
Healing-Shiatsu for Pregnancy and Childbirth
I am experienced in working with Shiatsu for expectant Mothers and during Childbirth. Healing-Shiatsu can be very supportive and beneficial during all stages from preparing for conception, morning sickness,Labour and after. Shiatsu helps to create a happy and at ease pregnancy which are so important for the baby. I can also give wonderful exercises of stretches and breathing that prepare the body to be open and flexible. I have often worked with partners so they can practice Shiatsu and give support during pregnancy and during Labour. I am also available in being present at birth. There are many Shiatsu points that help with pain relief, the ease and quickness of birth and the expelling of the placenta.
Vital Health and Self-Reliance Programme
I offer an intensive 12 week course to support personal change, growth and health. Consisting of 6 Healing-Shiatsu sessions and 3, 1 to 1 sessions giving exercises in self-healing, relaxation, breathing, meditation, Tai-Ji and self-development tailored to the needs of each person. By committing to the Programme, clients receive 2 sessions free of charge.